• What is a Mobile Cigar Lounge?

    A mobile cigar lounge brings a premium cigar experience to you. The lounge is a customized RV/Trailer, fully stocked with a variety of premium cigars and features a comfortable, stylish interior. It’s like having your own private cigar lounge on wheels, creating a welcoming, relaxing atmosphere anywhere you want.

  • Why Choose a Mobile Cigar Lounge?

    LacyJean Mobile Cigar Lounge provides guests a unique experience because of its novelty and ambiance offering a dedicated space to socialize and unwind. Perfect for those who want to break away from the main event space. For cigar lovers, it’s an opportunity to enjoy curated cigars and learn more about the craft of cigar smoking.

  • Does my event have to be a smoking event to book the lounge?

    No. LacyJean is equipped to accommodate any type of event (smoking or non-smoking) that you may have in mind. It would be our pleasure to make your event special and can accommodate your needs.

  • I am new to smoking. Is someone available to help me learn?

    LacyJean’s Mobile Cigar Lounge comes with knowledgeable staff who can guide guests in selecting cigars based on their preferences. Whether guests are seasoned cigar aficionados or trying one for the first time, we are here to help!

  • Is the lounge available all-year round?

    Yes. Unlike outdoor smoking sections, LacyJean’s Mobile Cigar Lounge is climate controlled and available all year-round. Whether it’s a summer evening or a chilly fall night, the lounge offers a cozy space for you and your guests to relax.

  • Can you accommodate any type of event?

    Yes we can! Our lounge works well for a wide range of gatherings, but especially popular at: Weddings and Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties, Corporate Events and Trade Shows, Private Parties, Milestone Celebrations and more… Tell us what you are looking to celebrate and we can work together to help make your event one you and your guests will never forget!