Meet LacyJean
LacyJean Mobile Cigar Lounge was born from our shared passion for cigars, hospitality, and creating unforgettable experiences.
As husband (Lacy) and wife (Jean), we’ve spent years cultivating our love for premium cigars (we actually met at a cigar lounge) and connecting with people who share our appreciation for the craft.
Our goal is simple: to combine our expertise in cigars with our commitment to exceptional customer service, delivering a one-of-a-kind experience that blends luxury, comfort and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to cigars, our mobile lounge offers a welcoming space to relax, indulge, and celebrate life’s special moments.
We’re proud to bring this passion on the road, offering an elegant and fully-equipped cigar lounge that transforms any event into a memorable occasion. With LacyJean Mobile Cigar Lounge, you’re not just booking a service - you’re becoming part of a community that celebrates quality, craftsmanship, and connection.